Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936):
Russian physiologist. He won the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in
1904. The classical conditioning theory focuses on the learning of involuntary
emotional or psychological responses. Through this process it is possible to
train animals and humans to react involuntarily to a stimulus that previously
had no effect.
• Classical Conditioning:
association automatic responses to novel stimuli
• Neutral Stimulus: is
not connected to a response
• Unconditioned stimulus:
stimulus that automatically triggers an emotional or physiological response
• Conditioned stimulus:
stimulus that provokes an emotional or physiological response after
• Unconditioned response:
emotional or physiological response that occurs naturally
• Conditional Response:
learned response to the previously neutral stimulus
• Generalization: to
respond in the same way to similar stimuli
• Discrimination respond
differently to similar stimuli but not identical
• Extinction: gradual
disappearance of a learned response
Retrieve from: http://www.suagm.edu/umet/biblioteca/Reserva_Profesores/janette_orengo_educ_135/Teoriaa_de_Condicionamiento_Clasico_de_Ivan_Pavlov.pdf
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